Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gaia Consciousness

Purpura Saga by Jean Herzel

All people are both individuals as well as participating in a higher order of consciousness which has been named integral consciousness, Christ consciousness, unity consciousness, etc. I personally like to think of it as Gaia Consciousness because the physical location of this consciousness is Mother Earth.

It is important that our sense of collective consciousness be intertwined with the earth. It is like the benefit of holding a body/mind view over a mind only view. People are like neurons in the body/mind of the planetary organism, Gaia. As we connect with one another we form Her neural networks. This is where our collective wisdom and intelligence lies - in our positive relationships.

All the matter in your reality is comprised of earth. You are the living exhalation of Spirit embracing Nature. The reason manifestation works so well is that you are participating in the unfoldment of God. Or Goddess, or the universe, or the Great Spirit, or whatever you wish to call it. You are the Creator!

You have experienced success in manifesting things in your own life. Imagine the power of groups of people working together to manifest a shared vision. Gaia Rising seeks to be an intentional neural network in the body/mind of the planetary organism ~ Gaia. We are an interfaith coalition because people of any faith can choose to recognize this form of unity consciousness.

To engage in Gaia Consciousness, cultivate a healthy and whole local self. Local self is the name I've given to the individual consciousness which is tied to a human body. When the local self is happy, healthy, and whole the ego can be overshadowed by a deep heart opening. This deep heart perspective affords you a glimpse of unity. At first you will continue to experience the perspective of the local self for the majority of the time. If you choose to continue to engaging in Gaia Consciousness, you can consider yourself a part of Gaia Rising ~ a movement to raise Gaia Consciousness.

Mama Tree

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