Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hemispheric Synchronization

I'm traveling on business and the facilitators of our week long meeting offered participants the chance to try something called hemispheric synchronization. I'd heard of it and jumped right on the chance. I did it last night and tonight. I'd like to briefly share some of what I got out of that.

First, the idea is that one ear is hearing a frequency of 440 megaherz and the other is 444. Because they are so close your brain works hard to try and reconcile the ever so slight discrepancy, but rather than changing the prerecorded frequency, what changes is your own brain wave frequency. (As your left and right brain sync up together, hence the name). This facilitates a really quick entrance into the gamma wave state (same state you're in while actively dreaming every night). Think on-demand lucid dreaming.

The facilitator has 1000 different programs, each designed to take you all over the collective unconscious, or universe, or God, or call it what you will.

The first night she chose for me a past life regression. Here are the highlights of what I learned. In the year 1124 I was initiated into the position of shaman in the northern part of South America. To the east was the Amazon and to the west, the Andes. I re-lived his initiation, which included preparing and consuming a bitter yellow mixture -- some type of power plant(s). When he entered the spirit world he saw me. I was curious about the year and I asked him if the White Devils had shown up yet. He didn't understand and so I showed him a picture of what a conquistador style Euro invasion probably looked like. This had definitely not happened yet, though I believe he went on to make some prophecies for his people based on having met me. He died in a conflict involving natives. He was stabbed in the gut with a spear type of thingy. I was informed that the significance which would be useful to me to understand in the present is that it was the first life time in which I had been initiated into the Earth Based Ancient Mysteries. Which led me to reconsider a great number of other things... but that's another set of stories for another time.

1 comment:

  1. During the shaman's initiation he was chanting the word T-lock-tick-ah. Today while looking for a Roman name in my God dictionary I discovered these Aztec God names:
    Tloque Nahauque - creator God
    Tlaloque - Tepticon - fertility and rain God
    Tlaloc - rain god

    Perhaps Tloqu-tiqua means "one who serves the rain God" ???
