Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Magic and Mystery of Dialogue

For as long as there have been people, there have been talking circles. From ancient indigenous tribes, to the Quakers, to corporate management teams... speaking one at a time inside a circle has always been a very powerful act of co-creation.

In his book Theory U, Otto Scharmer interviewed a group of women who called themselves The Circle of Seven. They reported having felt like by engaging in deep dialogue over time they had created a deeply nurturing and collaborative space which took on so much life and texture that they began to refer to it as the Circle Being.

Physicist David Bohm considered the practice of participating in a dialogue circle to be a co-creative emergence of innovation and novelty. He ran a number of experimental dialogue circles. Read more at wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohm_Dialogue

A number of sacred geometry texts describe the act of being together in circle as a deeply creative process. Imagine that the circle represents a sacred yoni, a portal to/from another realm. As participants pass ideas, in the form of energy, around the circle; there is a build up of energy. If individuals are willing to dive deep
  • into the present moment
  • into themselves and their assumptions

then something transformative may emerge through them into the circle.

The way I've experienced this is that the ideas build upon each other until something shifts and all the ideas pouring out are brand new ones, which we're thinking up together, right in the moment. Organizational experts call this "generative dialogue" because the conversation is generating something new.

But there's more than just coming up with new ideas. While I'm deeply engaged in dialogue I feel more whole and healthy than at other times. By being in that particular resonnant field with a group of people I feel instantly healed and transformed. I always gain some insight about myself about a small refinement or tune-up which I could make that would allow me to feel this quality of presence more often.

Gaia Rising, we don't have to know what we're going to talk about until the moment it is happening. Tonight on the conference call, we'll create a space in honor of personal and planetary healing and transformation. We will invite our higher selves to dance together within the virtual circle. And we will leave the circle more healthy and whole than when we arrived.

For even when we walk alone, we are ALL ONE in Gaia.

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