Friday, November 27, 2009

The Who, What, When, Where, and Why

Who is Gaia Rising?
Every being on the planet Earth. You, me, aphids, whales, broccoli, chiggers, e. Coli, lava, trees, and probably many things which we've never been able to see without some kind of apperatus, such as a machine or your third eye.

What is Gaia Rising?
A spiritual study circle, a coven, a group on FaceBook, a network of like minds who like thinking of themselves as Gaia's Neural Network, a movement, a dialogical emergence, a planetary phenomenon... take your pick.

When is Gaia Rising?
SHE rises NOW. The study circle happens monthly. The FaceBook feature is a 24-7 dialogue.

Where is Gaia Rising?
SHE lives in the Milky Way. The study circle happens in the Ozarks. If there is a demand we will set up a conference line. The dialogue on FaceBook is always now.

Why is Gaia Rising?
Tree's personal view: SHE has always been rising. Right now SHE is becoming aware of Herself as a self. Similar to the development of a human, at first Her awareness is patchy. But SHE continues to grow and learn. Clusters of awareness emerge, replicate, and begin to proliferate in an organic way. Gradually these clusters become coccoons for Reality 2.0. Then, through the magic of Her own ever unfolding Self, SHE begins organizing Her Self into networks.

These networks amplify Her Self Awareness and SHE notices that SHE doesn't really feel so well. In fact, SHE discovers SHE feels pretty crappy. SHE starts a "colon cleanse" to get rid of some crap. SHE considers loosing some weight, and shifting various of Her systems. This further amplifies Her now rapidly expanding consciousness (think "J" curve like exponential growth). Then SHE enters the Quickening where SHE assigns important projects to various aspects of Herself. SHE selects Her best and brightest to serve as midwifes because SHE has a birthday coming soon. Some of Her midwifes predict SHE will be fully born on 12/21/2012... though that is quite precise and SHE likes to go with the flow.

SHE is super inclusive and SHE wants all the aspects of Herself to co-create the next era. SHE's putting out the message in billions of different ways. (This group is not the only game in town!) That era could go in several directions and SHE won't even step foot on any path until SHE is 100% awake and ready to move. SHE really wants to get it right the first time. The sky is the limit. (Literally).

What is your vision? Where might SHE go?
Post your comments below. SHE wants collaboration, integration, and above all else, SHE is committed to SELF CARE!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Walking the Path Together

At study circle on 11/14 we discussed the Self Healing Journey. Each one of us is on a self healing journey. We shared some of the twists and turns in our own path before sharing a feast and an open ritual at the Terrapin Hollow home fire.

Each of the six participants, in his or her own way, during the rite, acknowledged the present phase of the journey of self healing. Each person was given the choice of three energetic movements to describe their present moment in the healing journey: Release of some past scar tissue, Acceptance of some current state, or Invitation of some future state.

For our next study circle (12/12/09) we'll Walk the Path Together. Whether your choice was release, acceptance, or invitation; Walking Together will amplify the success of your own Self Healing Journey.

Please plan to share more of your journey with the group. If the elements permit, we'll have our study circle and experiential activity at the Sacred Fire Circle (about 1/8th of a mile down a trail in the woods, so please bring walking shoes). Then we'll follow with a feast and party at the home fire.

This event is open to everyone. RSVP by email or a comment to this post. Blessed Be!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Opening Prayer for The Self Healing Journey Series

"Love is the face and body of the Universe. It is the connective tissue of the universe, the stuff of which we are made. Love s the experience of being whole and connected to Universal Divinity.

All suffering is caused by the illusion of separateness, which generates fear and self-hatred, which eventually causes illness.

You are the master of your life. You can do much more than you thought you could, including cure yourself of a 'terminal illness'. The only real 'terminal illness' is simply being human. And being human is not 'terminal' at all because death is simply transition to another level of being.

I want to encourage you to step out of the normal bounds of your life and to begin seeing yourself differently. I want to encourage you to live your life at the cutting edge of time, allowing yourself to be born into a new life every minute.

I want to encourage you to allow your life experience to be lightly dusted with form."

--Barbara Ann Brennan

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Self Healing Journey

Our first study circle topic will be the Self Healing Journey. All people have scar tissue, wounds from past experiences. Over the years we have all done a variety of things for our own healing. In this study circle we'll get to know each other by discussing our paths and sharing the sorts of self healing we've each done in the past.

This will allow us to learn each others history, interests, and talents. It will also get us thinking about the power of sharing our healing journey with a circle of like minds. Each of us has something to bring to the circle, some gift or insight to share. Whether you have been walking your path for 2 or 20 years, your perspective is valuable.

This is an open study circle. Any spiritual or religious tradition is embraced. It will be from 3-5 at Tree's house. Email Tree or post a comment below to request directions for attending. Tree respectfully requests to know in advance who plans to attend, so please either email or leave a comment --even if you already know how to get to Tree's house.