Monday, November 23, 2009

Walking the Path Together

At study circle on 11/14 we discussed the Self Healing Journey. Each one of us is on a self healing journey. We shared some of the twists and turns in our own path before sharing a feast and an open ritual at the Terrapin Hollow home fire.

Each of the six participants, in his or her own way, during the rite, acknowledged the present phase of the journey of self healing. Each person was given the choice of three energetic movements to describe their present moment in the healing journey: Release of some past scar tissue, Acceptance of some current state, or Invitation of some future state.

For our next study circle (12/12/09) we'll Walk the Path Together. Whether your choice was release, acceptance, or invitation; Walking Together will amplify the success of your own Self Healing Journey.

Please plan to share more of your journey with the group. If the elements permit, we'll have our study circle and experiential activity at the Sacred Fire Circle (about 1/8th of a mile down a trail in the woods, so please bring walking shoes). Then we'll follow with a feast and party at the home fire.

This event is open to everyone. RSVP by email or a comment to this post. Blessed Be!

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