Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Pre-healing Funk

When you choose to consciously co-create your life with Spirit and Nature, your daily dialogue with your guides will produce numerous healing opportunities. If you intend to change a thing about your self, then you can bet that it will rear its ugly head just before you transform it.

Let me give you a concrete example. Before releasing the need to control situations in the work place you experience a three day run of observing your self as VERY CONTROLLING. This is not at all fun, we never really like that aspect of ourselves we are trying to change. The good news is that when this behavioral pattern or thought construct is amplified, you can be certain that you are transforming it for the last time.

All you need to do is consciously embrace any challenge which comes into your life. Any bullshit which arrises... say to yourself "thank you for this opportunity to transform another aspect of my self." Then simply watch your emotions and reactions over the next few days. I am certain that after a few days of observation you will have seen and released several habits and thought patterns which were no longer serving you.

My motto is that chaos signals an opportunity. Because I believe it so thoroughly,80% of the time I am able to roll with chaos in real time. The other 20% of the time I struggle for a period and then embrace the chaos, trusting that I was about to reach a higher ground.

Create a list of the things which you'd like to learn or transform about yourself. Imagine that your guides or angels are watching you write the list and are ready to create actions and opportunities to help you manifest these visions. Then watch as the pre-healing funk hits you. As soon as you notice that you are living an amplfied version of that which you sought to transform you will relax into peaceful acceptance.

Tree of Terrapin Hollow

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