Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

I am called to teach, share, lead, love, support, and heal. But I can't do anything for anyone unless they ask me first. The Council of Light has an edict that they will not heal or transform anything in an individuals life unless that person is first willing to talk about it and ask for healing.

One of my Wisest Sisters recently shared with me that she waits for a potential student to ask to be taught three times before she takes them as a student. That makes sense to me, and I'm shifting that ever so slightly for Gaia Rising.

If you want to attend any publicly advertised events, simply show up. If you want to join the study circle, simply show up. If you want to join the coven you must ask each member of the coven one time. Just asking doesn't mean you are in, you'll have to let us consider your request. If you want some deeper kind of spiritual healing, guidance, relationship with me, etc, please ask three times and be prepared to be completely open and honest.

In Love and Light, with prayers for the Greatest and Highest Good,

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